These OOH posters made people stop watching Netflix.


Some Context:

World Cup was coming soon.  And Netflix wanted to have their campaign.

But we had, at least, two issues.
The first one, we couldn't say "World Cup" in almost any way.
The second, the World Cup was actually a competitor. 

How can you watch a series, when you have 7 matches a day?
How can you watch a match, when you have 2.135.762 series in queue?

The idea & repercussions:
Okay. So the idea was simple. And confusing.
By using OOHs, we invited people NOT TO WATCH NETFLIX.
But without signing it. Only that: DON'T WATCH NETFLIX. No brand.

What happened? 
Well... People went absolutely nuts.
They viralized the billboards, trying to figure out who put that on the streets.
They said it was a complot, or that the Government or the TV cable companies were behind this.

Some days after,  the mystery was unveiled.
An online video telling them to watch "the cup", 
which (in a super ironic way) let them know all what they would be missing NOT watching Netflix.

The campaign became a Trending Topic within the first 24 hours in Argentina,
it was the second most popular World Cup campaign, and it was chosen as the most original.

So now you know a bit more about it, please go ahead and watch it. 
Or don't watch it.

Award winner in many local and international festivals
(Clio Awards, Circulo de Creativos Argentinos, Lápiz de Oro, FIAP, Effie)